
Small Steps Towards a Greener Future

Bruce Giovando


Article Image

This article demonstrates the different types of Prismic Slices used in this blog.

Typography as a Visual Language

Typography goes beyond selecting fonts; it serves as a visual language that can convey meaning and set the tone for a design. We delve into the art of choosing the right typefaces, exploring the interplay between typeface styles, weights, and sizes to create hierarchy, emphasis, and readability. Discover how typographic choices can shape the overall user experience and enhance the effectiveness of communication.

"Typography is the voice of design, and color is its soul. Together, they create a harmonious symphony that captivates and communicates."
Jessica Hische

Creating Visual Hierarchy with Typography

Discover the secrets of creating harmonious compositions by striking the perfect balance between typography and color. Learn about the principles of contrast, balance, and harmony, and how they can be applied to achieve visually pleasing designs. Explore case studies of successful designs that showcase the seamless integration of typography and color to tell compelling stories.

Ordered List Item

  • Ordered List Item
  • Ordered List Item
  • Unordered List Item
  • Unordered List Item
Output. Creating Visual Hierarchy with Typography

Typography goes beyond selecting fonts; it serves as a visual language that can convey meaning and set the tone for a design using modern technologies and approaches.


Output with image. Gatsby Prismic Blog Starter | Home

Typography goes beyond selecting fonts; it serves as a visual language that can convey meaning and set the tone for a design using modern approaches.


Article Image

Harmonizing Typography and Color

Discover the secrets of creating harmonious compositions by striking the perfect balance between typography and color. Learn about the principles of contrast, balance, and harmony, and how they can be applied to achieve visually pleasing designs. Explore case studies of successful designs that showcase the seamless integration of typography and color to tell compelling stories.

Content Slice - Quote. For more info regarding setting up the Prismic data, check here

Alert Type - Info. For more info regarding setting up the Prismic data, check here

Alert Type - Success. For more info regarding setting up the Prismic data, check here

Alert Type - Warning. For more info regarding setting up the Prismic data, check here

Alert Type - Danger. For more info regarding setting up the Prismic data, check here

Note: enclose any inline code using codespan label in Rich Text slice to apply <html></html> styling of inline code.

Log Data

body {
margin: 0;
padding: 1em;
background: white;


Harmonizing Typography and Color


Meta Information Slice - Image


Meta Information Slice - Image Gallery